Inclusion: An inclusion agenda isn’t just necessary for moral reasons—it’s essential to the well-being of any democracy. With the knowledge that inclusive democracies are more successful, we work to support the involvement of groups traditionally excluded from the American democratic process.
Celebration: We’re unabashed democracy fans and actively create opportunities to show our democracy some love. Although we’re serious about increasing political engagement on college campuses, we don’t necessarily go about making change in a serious way. You can expect thought-provoking, but positive and fun, interactions with our political process from Day On Democracy programming.
Nonpartisanship: Every aspect of our work is strictly nonpartisan. Still, human-caused climate change is real, Black Lives Matter, and differences need not divide us. These aren’t partisan positions and we think critically about how current policies impact the health of American democracy, so we can better do our part in moving all of us toward a more perfect union.
Student leadership: Day On Democracy is for everyone! But we started as a student-led effort, and students will continue to lead the initiative. While faculty, staff, and administrators play an essential role in the realization of a successful Day On Democracy, we partner directly with students to assist them in advocating for and planning their own Day.
Knowledge: Civic education takes many forms and plays a crucial role in increasing one’s sense of political efficacy. Day On Democracy presents opportunities for college students to develop their political advocacy and organizing skills as they navigate power structures and bring people together to effect positive change in their communities.
Long view: We embrace strategic, long-term thinking to create sustainable change for college communities. Student advocates for the Day On Democracy may no longer attend their institution by the time it launches its own Day. That reality doesn’t mean we don’t push to leave an institution better than we found it.